Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

take shoes off

  • 1 step

    [step] 1. noun
    1) (one movement of the foot in walking, running, dancing etc: He took a step forward; walking with hurried steps.) passo
    2) (the distance covered by this: He moved a step or two nearer; The restaurant is only a step (= a short distance) away.) passo
    3) (the sound made by someone walking etc: I heard (foot) steps.) passo
    4) (a particular movement with the feet, eg in dancing: The dance has some complicated steps.) passo
    5) (a flat surface, or one flat surface in a series, eg on a stair or stepladder, on which to place the feet or foot in moving up or down: A flight of steps led down to the cellar; Mind the step!; She was sitting on the doorstep.) degrau
    6) (a stage in progress, development etc: Mankind made a big step forward with the invention of the wheel; His present job is a step up from his previous one.) avanço
    7) (an action or move (towards accomplishing an aim etc): That would be a foolish/sensible step to take; I shall take steps to prevent this happening again.) medida
    2. verb
    (to make a step, or to walk: He opened the door and stepped out; She stepped briskly along the road.) caminhar
    - stepladder
    - stepping-stones
    - in
    - out of step
    - step aside
    - step by step
    - step in
    - step out
    - step up
    - watch one's step
    * * *
    [step] n 1 passo. it hurts at every step / dói a cada passo. 2 distância de um passo. 3 pequena distância, pulo. 4 andar, pisada. 5 marcha. 6 degrau. 7 som de passos. 8 rasto, pegada. 9 ação, medida. 10 grau, incremento. 11 Mus intervalo. 12 combinação de passos ou movimentos (em dança). 13 steps escada, degraus. 14 fase, etapa. 15 fig exemplo, trilha. • vt+vi 1 andar, dar um passo. 2 pisar, pôr os pés. 3 medir em passos (distância). 4 colocar em degraus ou em forma de escada, graduar, escalonar. 5 coll andar depressa. 6 entrar. step this way please / por favor, entre aqui! door step soleira da porta, limiar. he lets them step all over him ele atura tudo. he stepped up to her ele aproximou-se dela. in step a) no mesmo passo. b) fig de acordo. mind the step! cuidado, degrau! out of step a) fora do passo. b) fig em desacordo. step by step passo a passo, gradativamente. step on it! coll pé na tábua! vamos! to be one step ahead fig estar um passo à frente. to break step perder o passo. to fall into step pegar o passo, acompanhar o passo. to get out of step perder o passo. to keep step manter o passo. to step aside a) dar passagem. b) demitir-se, abdicar (de um cargo). to step back retroceder, recuar. to step down a) descer. b) demitir-se, abdicar (de um cargo). to step forward avançar, dar um passo para a frente. to step in a) entrar. b) intervir, interferir. he stepped in just in time / fig ele agiu no momento oportuno. to step into someone’s shoes substituir, tomar o lugar de alguém. to step into the breach entrar na brecha. to step off medir os passos. to step on a) pisar, calcar, tripudiar. b) apressar-se. to step out a) acelerar os passos, andar depressa, apear, apear-se (de veículo). b) Amer coll sair com moça, sair para divertir-se, sair por um período curto. to step out of line sair da linha, comportar-se mal. to step round to someone fazer uma visita rápida a alguém. to step up Amer aumentar (a produção). to take steps tomar medidas, providenciar. to watch one’s step tomar cuidado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > step

См. также в других словарях:

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  • off — 1 adverb, adjective (not before noun) 1 away or from where something is: Travis got into his car and drove off. | Suddenly they turned off and parked in a side road. | be off (=to leave): We re off now. Thanks for the meal! | be off to (=to go to …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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  • shoes — n. 1) to put on; wear shoes 2) to slip off, take off shoes 3) to break in (new) shoes 4) to lace (one s) shoes 5) to polish, shine shoes 6) to fix, mend (esp. BE), repair shoes 7) tight; well fitting shoes 8) basketball; earth; gym shoes;… …   Combinatory dictionary

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